Wednesday 24 October 2012


It's Wednesday morning (just). I'm on my way to bed (stayed up too late AGAIN!). But first...
A brief peek at my workdesk, as part of the wonderful weekly whirlwind of creativity (and nosiness ;D) that is What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday. :)
As you can see, I still haven't tided. :/ But I have been doing a fair bit of creating. Unfortunately, I can't share all of my makes just yet, hence the gaping space in the only remaining usable space on my desk, which until seconds before this photo was taken held a recently completed scrapbook page. I've been doing quite a bit of colouring too though - some bits of which can be seen sitting around on the desk.
And to make up for the empty space on my desk where something creative should be, here's a peek at a recently coloured image... A couple of people commented on this digi stamp sitting on my desk last week awaiting colouring, so I thought I'd share how it turned out:
And that's it from me for this week. Thanks for stopping by and have a fun WOYWW! :D


Create With Joy said...

Beautiful image - great colouring job!

Create With Joy

Words and Pictures said...

I love that space so carefully carved out amidst the creative clutter! Great colouring both on the desk and in the close-up you've shared. Happy WOYWW!
Alison x

Lisa Richards said...

Lots of inspirational clutter! Keep on having fun at your workdesk and visiting others on this WOYWW!

Love crafts forever said...

Holly Molly!!!! How can you find anything Lol. I would go crazy if i have like that. love your colored image, can,t wait to see it on the card
Hugs Nat

Inkypinkycraft said...

Fb colouring on that image! Happy woyww trace x 46

scrappymo! said...

She is just stunning did a great job on her!!!

MiniOwner said...

You do do some fabulous colouring, Ali. She is lovely. Happy Wednesday.
Sue x (MiniOwner @ 88)

okienurse said...

beautiful coloring on that image!! I bought a set of Spectrum Noir and I am going to give coloring a try too. I need to find a class but none are being held around here so guess I will learn on my own! Any hints? Hope you have a great week. Vickie #91

The House of Bears said...

What a lovely image, we like the two in the background to the left too. Wish our colouring was as neat as yours.

The bears @#101 this week

Glenda said...

Gorgeous coloring on your image! Lovely desk! Glenda #100

Angie said...

What a stunning image your colouring jumps out at you. Busy busy desk ...xx#79

Robin said...

Beautiful coloring and image. Your highlights are stunning!

Robin #118

Krisha said...

How funny, yours is the 3rd desk, in a row, that I have peeked in on and all have the same small workable space. This makes me feel very normal now LOL. Your colored image is beautiful!
Krisha #40

Lou said...

Gorgeous Ali, love your desk too :)

Happy WOYWW!

Lou x


VonnyK said...

You did a fabulous job of colouring on the lady. Just beautiful.
Have a great week.
Von #45

fairy thoughts said...

Now that is a lovely busy desk, shame we cant see what you have mades ... it's that time of year!
great colouring
janet #58

Spyder said...

what a fabulous image and so well coloured! Nice crafty space too!
Have a crafty week, thanks for my snoop! HApPY WOywW ((Lyn)) #25

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